European oriole reproduction in 2024
The European oriole Ori olus oriolus is a superb yellow and black bird, which is surprisingly well camouflaged in the foliage of tall trees. It is best spotted by its fluttery "didelio" song. Beware, the European Starling often inserts an imitation of this little melody into its own jingle.
As far as we currently know, the oriole winters in southern Africa, in a vast region stretching from the Congo and Uganda to South Africa.
Its return to Europe coincides with the leafing out of the trees, in which it spends most of its time. Very faithful to its breeding site, it is not uncommon for it to nest in exactly the same place for several years, often in the same tree.
Image caption: Male European Oriole. © Stéphane Colin.
Map based on collective data from Faune-France and its partners. No use authorised without the prior consent of the LPO.