Migration of the Common Crane in automn 2020
The Common Crane Grus grus is one of the largest birds in France. Each autumn, breeding birds from northeastern Europe and Fennoscandia return to their wintering sites in France, the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb.
In recent decades, a new migratory corridor appeared. It concerns birds which winter in the Mediterranean area and which transit through the south of the Alps.
In the next few weeks, nearly 300 to 400,000 individuals will fly over France. If you watch Common Cranes, please record your sightings in Faune-France or NaturaList.
Image: the migration corridor between Germany and Spain is particuliarly obvious on the map © Gaëtan Delaloye.
Map data from Faune-France and partners. Reproduction and reuse prohibited without prior permission by LPO.